사회학의 학문적 발전과 교류의 장을 열어갑니다.

학회지 Vol.49 No.6

1 The Post-Body: Demographic, Economic, and Social Dilemmas of the Present

Bryan S. Turner


2015. 12.

2 From Developmental to Post-Developmental Demographic Changes: A Perspectival Recount on South Korea

Chang Kyung-Sup


2015. 12.

3 Life-Curves of Inequality

Göran Therborn


2015. 12.

4 Towards a Modern Social (Welfare) Formation? Welfare Society and Welfare State in the Era of the Spectacle: Late Modernity, Early Humanity, and the Nordic Tribes of Global Contemporaneity

Sven E. O. Hort


2015. 12.

5 Max Weber's Understanding of Legal Practices in Imperial China

Sung Hee Ru


2015. 12.

6 The Ambivalence of Modernity: The Cooperative Networks of Writers and the Making of “Modern” Literary Canon in Early Modern Colonial Korea (1919-1939)

Heejin Jun and Kwang-Hyung Park


2015. 12.

7 Gender Differences in Addictive Smartphone Use among Korean Adolescents

Younyoung Choi, Ja Hyouk Koo and Eun Young Kim


2015. 12.

8 The Effect of Personality Traits, Physical Attractiveness, and Intelligence on Reproductive Behavior

Keuntae Kim


2015. 12.