사회학의 학문적 발전과 교류의 장을 열어갑니다.

학회지 Vol.43 No.3

1 The Dynamics of Middle Class Politics in Korea: Why and Do the Middling Grassroots Differ from the Propertied Mainstream?

Sang-Jin Han


2009. 06.

2 The Theory of Structuration and Multidimensional Theory: New Classics?

Eungi Kim


2009. 06.

3 Field Theory as a Vehicular Theory of Science: Pierre Bourdieu as a Sociologist of Scientific Validity

Kyung-Man Kim


2009. 06.

4 Making Sense of the Asian Welfare Regimes with the Western Typology

Chan-ung Park, Dongchul Jung


2009. 06.

5 Fanon Beyond marx: Toward Sociology of(Post) Colonialism

Jaeyoun Won


2009. 06.