사회학의 학문적 발전과 교류의 장을 열어갑니다.

학회지 Vol.42 No.4


Dong-No Kim


2008. 06.

2 Korean Society in Change : Statistics and Sources(Ⅰ)

Ou-Byung Chae, Jung-Hae Choi


2008. 06.

3 Breadth and Depth of Unity among Chaebol Families in Korea

shin-Kap Han


2008. 06.

4 Does Strustural Hole Relieve Density Dependent Competition? Growth and Exit of Korean Mining and Manufacturing Plants, 1981-1999

Jasook Koo, Joon Han


2008. 06.

5 Democracy and Reflezive Consensus: Reinvigorating the Vision of the Civil Society'

SangJun Kim


2008. 06.

6 Birds of Different Feather Flock Together? Rhetorical Competition and the Convergence of Management Discourses

Dong-Il Jung


2008. 06.

7 Max Weber's Axiological Vritique of the Methodology of the Humam Sciences: The Methodenstreit and Ideal Types

Kyung-Man Kim


2008. 06.

8 Immigrant Status, Parenting, and Trajectories of Substance Use

Haebong Woo, Michael K.Roemer


2008. 06.

9 Socioeconomic Status, Age, and Psychological Well-Being in the US: Accumulation and Amplification of Advantage

Jinyoung Kim


2008. 06.